How to connect Online Payment service provider with Dukaan for International stores?

Note: This guide is specific to setting up online payments for stores located outside India. If you're interested in configuring online payments for Indian stores, please click here. For users outside of India, refunds and returns need to be processed by you.

1. Accessing Payment Setup and Choosing Your Provider:

  • Navigate to Settings from the left side menu.

  • Click on Payments to initiate the online payment setup.

  • On the Payments screen, depending on where your store is located, you'll find two options for online payments service providers - Stripe and Paypal.

2. Setting Up Stripe:

  • If you prefer Stripe, click on Set up.

  • Now enter the required details: Publishable Key and Secret Key.

  • You can find these keys on your Stripe dashboard. Log in to your Stripe account, under the Developers section click on API keys.

  • Simply copy these details, come back to your Dukaan dashboard, and paste them.

  • Once this information is entered, click on the Set up button to activate the connection.

3. Setting Up Paypal:

  • If you prefer Paypal, click on Set up.

  • Now enter your PayPal email address from which you’ve created the account and click on the Set up button to activate the connection.

4. Updating Details:

  • If you want to update your payment service provider details, click on the Details button.

  • Enter the updated details and click on the Update button to confirm.

5. Deactivating or Removing the Connection:

  • If you wish to deactivate/remove the connection, click on the three dots icon.

  • Note: On deactivating/removing the connection, you won't be able to accept any online orders payments via Stripe/Paypal.

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