Connecting Interakt & Dukaan
How does it work?
Once you connect Dukaan to your Interakt Account by adding the API key.
Dukaan will send events to Interakt, With the data available in the events
The events are order, customer, and seller activity on your Dukaan store
Once Dukaan and Interakt are connected, you will be able to find all events related to Order Status Update, Order Received, Abandoned Order, Payment Link Request, OTP Requested
These events are used on your Interakt dashboard to set up dynamic notifications or marketing campaigns.
For example, if you received a new order on Dukaan, your Interakt account will automatically receive the data under the event "order_recieved" which will have all the data including customer data, order data, tracking data, images, invoices, loyalty data
The variable data received with every event can be used to customize your WhatsApp templates.
- A store account
- An Interakt account
- Facebook Business Account without restrictions
Step-by-Step Guide:
1. Log in to your store dashboard.
2. Navigate to the 'Store Settings' section from the left-hand menu.
3. Scroll down to the 'Notifications' settings.
4. Toggle on 'WhatsApp notifications' to enable them.
5. Click on 'Choose' to select 'Customize your WhatsApp template'.
6. Enter your Interakt API key in the provided field. You can find your API key in your Interakt dashboard under the 'Settings' section.
7. Once you have entered the API key, click 'Update' to save your changes.
Setting Up Interakt:
1. Open a new browser tab and go to the Interakt official website.
2. Log in to your Interakt account.
3. From the Interakt dashboard, navigate to the 'Settings' section.
4. Under 'Settings', find the 'API & Webhook' section and click on it.
5. Here, you will find your API key. Copy it by clicking the 'Copy' button.
6. Return to your store settings tab and paste the API key into the appropriate field.
Creating your templates and campaigns ( Interakt )
Create and get your WhatsApp templates approved
You will need to have active WhatsApp templates before you can send notifications to your customers, you can create templates by visiting the template section from the navigation menu on Interakt.
- Create a new template or choose from available starter templates
- Name your template, and select its purpose utility, or marketing ( if the wrong one is chosen your account can get banned )
- Once your template is created and approved you will be able to set notifications
Set Up Custom Order Notifications
After connecting your store, navigate to the "Notifications" section in your Interakt dashboard. Here, you can set up custom order notifications for your store. Click on the "Create Notification" button and choose the type of notification you want to set up (e.g., new order, order shipped, order delivered).
You can find detailed documentation on how to use Interakt to create notifications
and marketing.
Dukaan Event Nomenclature.
All Events are always created against a user's mobile number or seller's mobile number
This means when you trigger an event-based notification, the notification will be sent to the mobile number for which the event was received
This is useful, in case you want to send notifications of orders to your internal team or owners as well
Hence the events that are registered against the seller's mobile number will have the word "seller" in the start of the event
Event Types
Order Events
order_received | If you want to send a message to your own number or any other store staff you will use the event seller_order_created
Shipment Events
General Events
otp_request_login This event is fired when anyone requests to log on to your store
wishlist_notification This event can be triggered from your wishlist plugin to send notifications/campaigns for wishlist
Below are some screenshots, of how a correct setup for sending order-accepted notifications will look like.
Ongoing - Campaign -- Setup to trigger a message to the customer when the order is order_accpeted
The Message template and the variables selected from the event order_accpted
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